28 W Cole Rd, Suite 104, Biddeford, ME 04005

Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing

Office Hours

Monday – Tuesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: By Appointment
Thursday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed

What are Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing or Gum treatment and Periodontal Laser Disinfection?

A periodontal scaling and root planing is done to help stop the progression of gum disease. When gum disease develops, small pockets form between the teeth and gums. These pockets allow debris, plaque and bacteria to thrive, further infecting the soft tissue and causing the progression of the disease. Scaling and root planings, sometimes referred to as deep cleanings, can help to keep these gingival pockets clean.In our office we use dental lasers to disinfect the pocket and reduce the pocket depth. It helps decrease the amount of bacteria that causes periodontal disease. This gives you a chance to get a better control of your gum disease.

Why are Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing necessary?

Most often, a scaling and root planing is needed because a patient has periodontal (gum) disease. When you have gum disease, small pockets form around the teeth, giving bacteria and plaque a place to build up. It is very difficult to keep these pockets clean on your own, even with twice-daily brushing. If the pockets aren’t kept cleaned, the disease progresses, and can eventually lead to tooth and bone loss. However, the key difference between a scaling and root planing and a regular dental cleaning is that the hygienist cleans underneath the gum line while simultaneously smoothing the roots of the teeth.

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What makes you a good candidate for Periodontal Scaling and Root Planing?

Most patients who have gum disease are good candidates for this deep cleaning. To determine if you have gum disease, we will use a thin, painless probe to measure the pocketing around each tooth. If the pocketing is deeper than about 3mm, this is often a sign that you have gum disease and require treatment. It is best to have a deep cleaning done as soon as possible to prevent progression of the disease.

What can you expect with routine Dental Exams & Cleanings?

First, local anesthetic is applied to the side of the mouth that will be receiving the scaling and root planing. The hygienist then uses tools called scalers to scrape away any tartar, plaque and stains from the teeth. The hygienist then works the scalers deep below the gums to clean out the gingival pockets that have formed. The roots are planted and smoothed so that bacteria does not adhere to these areas. You will need to come in for a second appointment to have the other side of your mouth professionally deep cleaned.

If you think you might need a periodontal scaling and root planing, call us today and one of our helpful staff members can schedule an appointment for you.